Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Costa Rica K-9 Canine Guard Dogs in Costa Rica

Falcon Group International

A full-service Costa Rica Security Company

Central and South America Dispatch:

Costa Rica: (506) 4104-6022

Information and Question about our security services write:

email: info@falconandassociates.com  

Web Page: www.falconandassociates.com

You may ask, why the Falcon Group. Don't be misled by security companies claiming that they can operate legally on the ground in a foreign country. It is illegal to be armed on the ground without the proper documentation, licenses and to provide security services. A security company must have the proper documentation issued by that foreign countries Ministry of Security and all security personnel must be either a special guest, legal resident or citizen of the country that they service. Our extensive security, military combat and advisory experience of our Executive Staff (former U.S. Special Operations) and our operational team members make us very unique in this industry. We have vast experience in hostile environments providing security, close protection and logistics in foreign countries since the year 1995.ABOUT OUR PATROL DOGS

There are certain times when the only real option is to use a Security Patrol Dog Team. Our highly trained security dog teams will protect property areas, premises and people. A fully trained security dog team offers the most effective deterrent against intruders, vandals and thieves. Our dog-guard team is an effective tool for defense and protection when confronting specific high-risk situations.

Our security patrol dogs are psychologically demoralizing to criminals, and these people will think twice knowing that they have no chance of coming up against our trained patrol dog teams of the Falcon Group. Our dogs are trained on a military standard and used precisely for residential, condominium and commercial patrols.

Security Patrol Dogs are trained to pick up on intruders or hidden persons within the patrol area. The security dog will protect their handler by standing their ground and showing controlled aggression against any criminal.  The patrol dogs are also trained to accept other people in their environment and to only react on the command of the dog handler, if a specific threat is made against the handler and within the property being protected.

The Falcon Group patrol dogs are used on a full time bases in Costa Rica , Mexico, Colombia and El Salvador. These security dogs are highly intelligent, have formidable speed and sharp senses of sight at night. Our dogs can hear sound greater then humans and at long distance they can smell fear and aggression. The Falcon Group k-9 Canine Patrol Dog Team perform the work of several armed security guards. (call us for a patrol demonstration)

Avenida Boyaca Calles 23 y 13
Bogota, Colombia D.C.

Apdo. 2243-3000
                  Heredia, Costa Rica                   

Andres Bello 29
Canaro No 200
D.F. 01150 Mexico City

Abu Dhabi
P.O. Box 28711
United Arab Emirates
Paris, Egypt, Iraq, Middle East and Africa Operations

1 comment:

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